Saturday, July 24, 2010

Nolan's Birth Story

Okay, here goes. Nolan was due on May 14. However, since I was having a repeat c-section, we scheduled a week early on May 7. I was so excited to not have to wait til 40 weeks. Let me tell you, it was a rough pregnancy. I never got sick when I was pregnant with Peyton. Nolan was a whole different story. I was nauseous a LOT, had high blood pressure, went to the doctor twice weekly from 30 weeks on, sometimes even 3 times a week, had a non stress test every week, had low fluid, and gained SIXTY pounds.

Well, Nolan decided he would not even make me wait til May 7. On May 2, I had just gone to bed and at 11:30PM, my water broke. James and I packed our bags and grabbed the carseat. We had nothing ready since I never expected to go early. We called my parents who came right over. We all then went to the hospital.

We got to the hospital around 12:15 AM. We stayed in triage awhile getting paperwork done. Then I went to the operating room by myself to get the spinal. That was the most nerve-racking time. I don't know why, but I nearly had a panic attack. They finally let James in and got started.

The surgery was rough. I got so sick. I threw up while being cut open. Everyone said I looked green. But then my little man was born! Nolan was born at 1:52AM He weighed 8 lb, 12oz, and was SO beautiful. He had a little trouble breathing at first and had to go on oxygen for a few minutes. He soon came around and got handed over to James. We both were instantly in love.

While I was being put back together, I got very sick again. I was shaking and throwing up. Let me tell you how much I loved the anesthesiologist. She was taking care of me almost as well as my own mom would. I finally got sewed back up and went off to recovery. There I got to hold Nolan. My parents and Peyton got to come in too. My parents went home with Peyton and James, Nolan, and myself headed down to our room.

Nolan has been such a joy to us. He truly has completed our family. He is such a sweet baby and is defintely a mama's boy. His favorite place is on my chest. Peyton loves Nolan so much, and I love to watch my kids together. Now, enjoy some pictures:

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Happy Birthday Nolie!
    It is scary to be in the operating room "alone". I hated that part too.
