Sunday, June 28, 2009

Busy, busy, busy...

Our summer has been off to a busy start. All last week, our church had Vacation Bible School. James and I helped out by taking pictures for a slideshow and our church directory. Peyton went with the "big kids" instead of the little baby class. She loved it!!

On Saturday, we went swimming at Randolph Park. It was so much fun! I highly recommend it.
James's church softball team is now in the playoffs. They've been doing really well lately, but don't ask him their record, ha!

Monday, June 8, 2009

NOT Me Monday!

I did NOT spur of the moment buy a puppy last week... and I did NOT wake up the other morning to find said puppy covered in his poop and have to give him a bath at the crack of dawn.

As I've mentioned before, I am NOT a blog stalker. I did NOT see a dress at Target and say, "Hey! Kelly from Kelly's Korner has that dress!"

I do NOT have a small obsession with my friend Lindsay's baby's fat legs! I do NOT have to give them a little pinch every time I see them because they're so cute and chubby! Sorry Aubrey, I can't help it!

I did NOT accidentally leave a bowl full of rice in my oven for two weeks. Of course I use my oven more than that!

Hope you had a happy Monday!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Many Faces of Peyton

Meet the Newest Creasy

Name: Tucker Blue, goes by Tucker

Breed: Boxer

Sex: Male

Color: White with a couple brown spots

Eyes: 1 Blue and 1 Brown

Temperament: Sweetheart

What does Peyton think of him?: Loves him!

What does Holly think of him?: Loves him!

Peyton and her drink bottles

Peyton has an obsesstion with plastic drink bottles. She will sit and put the top on and off forever! She loves drinking out of them... don't worry, she only drinks the water!

Better late than never...

I know, I know, it's almost been 2 weeks...
We had a cookout at our house on Memorial Day. Good food and good times!